Josef Zekoff
September 6 – November 9, 2019
Walking is known to help with thinking; how seeing helps thoughts is far less clear. That is where Josef Zekoff draws the viewer. He seduces the eye to wander, and he stops it like a traffic signal, he offers a hint of clarity and simple forms, repetition and reduction, but then the feasability of a direct interpretation is again thwarted. What time are we in? In the sphere of archeology or on another planet? Could the painting be used, do its lines teach? These displacements in depth and in space, on the surface of the material and behind the symbolic belong to the complex in which he finds his images.
Copyright © Roberto Ohrt (entire text by Roberto Ohrt)
Catalogue ‘TWO RECENT PAINTINGS’ by Josef Zekoff (available at Sauvage)
Photo Credits: Johannes Bendzulla